On Saturday, service was great as we had various people dining at QuarryLaneFarms. Our guest list included a famous director, lead singer of a famous band, photographer, and tech guru all under the same roof (Sorry, can’t tell – can’t give away all the secrets of QuarryLaneFarms).
With all the celebrities on Saturday, we decided a fusion menu was the winner-winner-taco-dinner.

Yobo tacos, aka Korean Tacos, are a delicious fusion non-traditional food that would make any angry Korean girl blush…As you know, good girls don’t eat kimchee.  

We first heard the story about these soft tacos by Chef Roy Choi. 

Chef Roy Choi


They use Twitter only for publication of their mobile locations. What a great idea. For the next 2 months, all I could do is obsess about these tacos…that’s right, I dreamed Korean tacos. I’m a freakin loser huh?  

Famously known by their nicknames as “the Taco trucks” in the LA area, they are a godsent destination by the masses. After 2am, after a night of bar hopping, this stuff is gold. 

Yobo Taco


Ingredients are simple: Thinly sliced lamb marinated with a bulgogi sauce, pan fried (we opted for lamb vs beef cause it sounds more exotic), shreaded crisp iceberg lettuce lightly tossed with a sweet chili pepper sauce, fresh bean sprouts, shreaded kim chee, matchstick cucumbers, carmelized onions and mushrooms, fresh chopped green onions, and chopped cilantro. 

Put it in a warm tortilla shell and eat. Duh.  

The first bite is always the best because as you pick this taco up, you feel the cool of the vegis on the top, and the warm meat on the bottom. The perfect dichotomy: the elusive sweet/sour or salty/savory or salty/sweet parings that you hear so much about…has come home to party.  

Initially, you get the bottom savory/salty taste as the rich flavors of the bulgogi shaved lamb slices with the carmelized onions just bust in. Then as you start to chew, the crunchyness of the lettuce and bean sprouts shove their way in to break up the savory armada. Now the cacophany of sounds are deafinging as you continue your assault on your bean sprouts snapping away like twigs underfoot in the fall. The slight hint of the sweet chili sauce on the iceberg lettuce balances out the salty flavors…reminding you of your obligation to sweet and hot…bitch.  

The cucumbers provide a sold break, temporarily cleaning your palate just in time for the shreaded kim chee to bring a saucy garlic stomp that permeates your mouth. At this point you wonder why, on a normal taco, that anyone would ask for plain old salsa. As you continue your chomping away, you taste the strong intermingling green onion which paves the way for the refreshing cilantro which has now awoken your inner Mexican-cleaning your palate as you swallow your first bite of the Yobo Taco. Areeba you Mexican stud. Ride that Korean stripper.  



Don’t look now big boy, there is bulgogi au jus running down your arm.  

But you don’t care…You like it sloppy. 

Need a cigarette?



So, after the many rounds of tacos for our guests, we caught a quick break from the kitchen to take a sneak peek at our video for Food Network. I am so proud of the work of our staff, video crews, editors, directors, writers, research teams, film techs, staging, and production crews. Everyone was awesome! 

Additionally, the blooper reel is freakin hilarious! 

Never fear everyone, we will post the video soon. 

Reporting live from QuarryLaneFarms…