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Dear Burger King

You advertised this…

What is advertised onsite at Burger King

And I got this…..

This is my Burger King “burger” ?!??!?

This is not what I expected…In fact, this is pretty embarrassing.

I am very disappointed.

Reporting live from QuarryLaneFarms…

Shhhhhhhhh, Great Lakes Brewing Company has Imperial Dortmunder back on tap starting last night.

And like troopers, we were last night, beer after beer after beer…dunzo…and playing trivia…sorta.

I blame SexyTimeJulie, The MusubiGuac King and TheSnoozie for this Tuesday romp to @GLBC_Cleveland cause who goes boozing on Tuesdays!??!!?

First sip in 4 years - I love you Imperial Dortmunder

Last few times we were all at Great Lakes, I remember

1. @jztucci – the Princess of #TWSS jokes

2. Cleveland’s hottest bartender Leigh serving me up magical beers

3. a parrot perched on a shoulder

#slizzard? frunk? It’s all just a bit fuzzy…..

Ahem, I know how everyone extols the virtues of GLBC’s festive Christmas Ale. Delicious, strong, and tasty (#TWSS). FYI-rumor around the CLE is that it will be released in a few weeks.

Frosty pint for some frosty Imperial Dortmunder

But in my humble opinion, Imperial Dortmunder is the best beer from GLBC.

So to everyone else, drink all the GLBC Christmas Ale you want…as I shall sip swig guzzle Imperial Dortmunder all by myself.

And yes, don’t talk to me today. I’m hungover.

Reporting live from QuarryLaneFarms…

I. Am. So. Awesome Embarassed.

So late night travels with no breakfast, no lunch and of course no dinner….means only one thing – 4th meal.

Cause no one wants a hangry dude.

Hard taco 4 life

On the spot-I decided it was a very collegiate night so I ordered 10 soft tacos. Maybe they’ll give me that neato box #NOT

Awwww yeah #HAWT

Lets think back to college cause at my alma mater, the Taco Bell option was heaven compared to the cafeteria plan.

Perfection in a little wrapper!

I won’t even get into the discussion of “meatlike” vs “meat”

Looks like meat to me...sorta

Just a nice little guy.

Eat me bitches~!

The first 8 slid down fast…the last two were questionable.

I’m not sure if I should mount these wrappers to the wall as a badge of glory or something…

Plethora of wrappers...aka badges of glory

Well, 12:30a and I devoured 10 soft tacos. I am king!

On a related note, I was up at 2:30a showing the toilet who’s boss.

Reporting live from QuarryLaneFarms…




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