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Reporting live from QuarryLaneFarms…


Another action packed day here in the 50th state.

Started out great with a great kamaaina breakfast from McDonald’s including rice, eggs, Portuguese sausage and of course the official meat of Hawaii – Spam. All of this for just $5.

The Kamaaina special

And you can add this to your “only in Hawaii file” because the utensils come with Aloha Made shoyu.

Aloha Shoyu fo sure...

Pre lunch plans included yogurt from one of our food consultant’s favorite: Cherry on Top.

Cherry on top yogurt

Very impressed as the choice of toppings was double when compared to Pinkberry or Menchie’s.

Choose wisely...

Either way, their mochi balls were softer, plain yogurt was a bit more tart, and I am kinda digging the Captain Crunch.

My yogurt view

BTW-I think this should be their poster child for their 2011 advertisement.

Cherry on top's (should be) 2011 advertising campaign

Of course a trip to Hawaii wouldn’t be complete without a trip to our favorite The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.

Please come to Cleveland...

We sucked our coffee and tea down just in time to arrive at the world-famous Hank’s Haute Dogs.


And of course a personal tasting with Hank himself!


Awesome French Fries: Castle Rock potatoes, twice cooked and crispy





Hank's awesome fries


Psssst! Apparently they just changed the process on their fries which makes them so crispy and awesome. A well deserved 3+ day process, these fries are awesome.

Sweet Onion Rings: Sweet onions dipped in crispy panko batter.





Sweet onion rings


Onion rings were awesome as usual and the dipping sauces are a must. Aside from the aioli, your great dippings should also include the ketchup curry. Just put this ring on her finger cause it’s still so. Damn. Good.

Bratwurst: Milwaukee’s finest, perfectly steamed, brown mustard and sauerkraut.





Hank's Bratwurst


Often times, I am given terrible yellow mustard and miniscule amount of sauerkraut. Hank made sure of providing a great dog that was loaded with superb brown mustard and a shovel full of sauerkraut which is crunchy and delicious.

Inside the Brat

Captain of Encased Meats, you are my friggin hero.

Hank’s Haute Dog Bratwurst = 8.5/10

Chili dog: Chicago dog with Hank’s homemade chili, raw onion and cheddar cheese.





Hank's Chili Dog


This fine dog was smothered in this homemade chili which was outstanding. Now, I make a mean chili…but this chili was the flavors and no filler…meaty. And with the generous portions of onions and cheese, I’d say this is pretty close to a great haute dog.

Hank’s Haute Dog Chili Dog = 9.0/10


Here’s the running tally so you can compare/contrast on this extraordinary journey of hot dog redonklousness…aka “HD2010″:       

Steve’s Hot Dog Lunch Cheddar hot dog = 5/10       

Steve’s Hot Dog Lunch Mustard onion hot dog = 6/10       

Steve’s Hot Dog Lunch Chili onion hot dog = 5/10       

Costco’s Hot Dog combo = 7/10      

Tucky’s Chicago = 4/10     

Tucky’s Cleveland = 3/10     

Tucky’s Kansas City = 7/10     

Tucky’s Detroit Coney Island = 8/10     

Happy dog Thai Chile garlic stirfry bok choy kim chee cucumbers = 5 / 10   

Happy dog Killer Steak Sauce, garlickey escarole, smoked gouda cheese, habanero picked red onions = 6 / 10   

Map Room Bar The “Municipal” Stadium Dog: all beef hot dog with ketchu and stadium mustard = 4 / 10   

Map Room Bar Chicago Style Dog: Vienna Beef Hot dog with relish, onions, sport peppers, mustard, tomatoes.= 3/ 10   

Euclid beach Coney dog: Vienna Beef coney topped with chili, mustard and onion = 7.0 / 10   

Map Room Bar The Drew Carey: All beef kosher dog topped with BBQ sauce, slaw and fries= 6.5 / 10   

Hank’s Haute Dog Bratwurst = 8.5/10

Hank’s Haute Dog Chili Dog = 9.0/10

Note: The running list will be published to accompany all dogs posts to help you embrace the full effect of “HD2010″.       


Truffle Mac n Cheese: Penne with white truffle scented cheddar crème.



Truffle Mac-n-cheese


I guess we have always overlooked Hank’s Truffle Mac n Cheese, until today. Surprisingly served with the cafeteria lady penne pasta, the cheese was creamy and the topping was great. Small problem – I gots no truffle! Unless I missed the staff with the shaver and the lump of white truffle, no truffle could be found.

But since it’s Monday – the star of the show is clearly the Italian Beef! For reference, I believe the best Italian beef comes from Max’s or Portillo’s in Chicago.

Hank's Italian beef

Soft, juicy and melt in your mouth, I can’t think of a better way to spend your lunch hour than stuffing down this boheamous Italian Beef sandwich. Perfectly served with sweet and spicy toppings, it just doesn’t get better than this in Hawaii.

Aloha Italian Beef

Dear Hawaii, if it’s Monday, you need to get a few cause this is the closest anyone has ever come to an Italian Beef in the entire state. Super ono au jus.

Just keep in mind, Hank’s Monday Italian Beef = kanak attack

Kanak attack

Well, a short time later, I was walking into nostalgia. Bubbies located on Waiua across from the old Moose McGillacuddys and Varsity Theatre was the perfect afternoon snack.


With dirty names for almost all their pies I felt right at home.

Dirty dirty...heh heh heh

“Eat my balls” or “More than a mouthful” or “Functioning Prostate”…You get the idea.

Yes- nothing has changed since I took all my high school girlfriends there for late night ice cream. Tasty indeed.

Stuck in time = perfect

By the time I checked the watch, dinner was upon us.

So 4 types of fresh poke from Tamura’s and a lot of cold LongBoard beers accompanied our evening plans.

And I couldn’t imagine a better diner pairing for our CoCo Curry House. OK OK – so it’s called the Curry House now…big deal. As you can tell, I still have the same order: Chicken Katsu Curry.

Chicken katsu curry

Crispy katsu, delicious curry and rice makes for a great evening.

At this point, I sip my 12th Longboard Island Lager from the Kona Brewing Co with my t-shirt barely holding on and my pants unbuttoned…Awww yeah.

Reporting live from the 50th state…

So we were tooling around NE Ohio and happened to roll through Austinburg, Ohio. Yeeehaw.

Classic small town America

Your typical wholesome small town USA place where overalls have been trending since JFK’s presidency.

As we negotiated through the bustling center of town, one intersection, we passed by this nondescript place and there it was.

Austintburg Ohio's claim to fame

“Them’ fightin’ words round here…” So of course, we had to stop.

What the what?

Perched on the corner of Main and State in Austintburg, the owners had a tough time naming this place. The “Corner Bar” features good food liquor and proudly displays a “Home Cookin” sign on a what appears to be a door w/ a 5 ft step.

Huge budget for signage here

As we found the concrete step entrance in, I found the mantra proudly displayed on the side of the bar.

Shady indeed

“Where the flock are we?”

Inside, it mirrored a scene from the movie “Children of the Corn” where every possible piece of crap left outside was nailed to the wall by Jethro. May I remind you other such classy places like Ruby Thursdays or TGIMcFunsters nail things to the wall too…but those are professionally mounted. This stuff? Hillbilly Bob just nailed every piece of paper he has ever owned on the wall and called it his little-slice-of-dating-your-cousin heaven.

Hey-isn’t that Fire Department Sign supposed to be up next to the fire station? I’m just sayin.

Interior decorating by Hillbilly Bob

BTW-I think the chairs were on loan Monday thru Saturday from the local church. Gotta hand it to co-op sharing of resources.

Lets talk about the self-proclaimed “World’s Best Burgers!!”.

Austintown's submission for World's Best Burgers

I’ll bullet point this so that you’ll have time to pause, close your eyes, and shake your head in disappointment.

*Bread was smashed and older. C’mon, at least have fresh bread.

*AND-if you’re gonna toast the bread, at least put butter on it.

*Do not use lettuce you got last week

*Nice job on the thick layer of Kraft American Singles Cheese. Melty.

*Burger was commercially bought preformed. Bleh.

*Consider placing this new-found spice, called salt, on your government formed patty. It may help the cardboard aftertaste.

*Tomato was cut by a blind guy with a spork.

*I had 4 different cuts of onions as toppings.

*Pickles should never be warm.

*It’s all about size as this burger was relatively small.

*The prefabricated government onion rings were a piss poor example of onion rings. Should have been called “Batter in circle shape”

Misery up close in Austinburg, Ohio

*Marketing point: Don’t tout this as “the best burger in the world” when you don’t even shape the patty yourself.

So needless to say, we continue to stick to our guns about where we believe the best burger in the world.

***Click here to see our hands down best burger in the world***.

What did we learn? Well, if you’re driving through Austinburg Ohio, it would behoove you to never let your foot off the gas pedal as Cleatus’ Corner Bar for Shady People should remain shady.

Reporting live from QuarryLaneFarms…

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